Methodology: Pre- experimental one group pre-test and post-test design was adopted. The population of this study comprising students of B.V.V.S Degree college of Bagalkot district. The sample of the study comprised of 60 students studying in B.V.V.S degree college Bagalkot district. In this study non probability convenience sampling technique use. Results : The results shows among adolescents were having on average 43.43 % knowledge regarding ill effect of alcohol consumption and mean score was 12.43±2.645 and in post test, average 65.33 % knowledge regarding ill effect of alcohol consumption and mean score was 19.60±2.599. T calculated value of -20.948 which is less than the tabulated value of 2.00 at 0.05 level of significance.
Conclusion: It is concluded that there is significant difference between pre-test and post- test knowledge score of adolescents. It shows the very highly significant and association between pre-test and post-test knowledge score of ill effect of alcohol consumption.