Effect of lemongrass oil on rheumatoid arthritis

Priyadharshini.M and R.Gayatri Devi

Aim: To do a research on the effect of lemongrass oil on muscle spasms.

Methods: A total of 30 participants who were suffering from muscle spasms were chosen. They were given lemongrass oil to apply for about 30 days. The pain scale was noted once in five days.

Results: The result showed a moderate changes in the pain levels of the patient. Further application would significantly show a greater decrease in the pain levels of the patient.

Conclusion:Muscle spasms being more common in old people, this study was conducted to create awareness about the effect of lemongrass oil on the same.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijcar.2017.2696.0079
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