Publishing your paper in our journal takes following steps. Authors are requested to go through all of the following steps before submitting their papers to accelerate the publishing research paper publication process. The whole process of submission and publication usually takes around 3-10 days (Depending upon the formatting and errors in paper).
Step 1: Format the paper
Authors are requested to write an original and unpublished research paper and format it correctly as per the given format on our website (www.journalijcar.org)
Note : Incorrectly formatted papers are deemed to be rejected by editors.
Step 2: Submit paper
Please download the Copyright Form from Here .
Kindly send the properly formatted research paper and Filled copyright form at journalijcar2020@gmail.com
After receiving the research paper you will get an acknowledgment of paper submission, Research Paper will be checked for quality and reliability by Editor using Plagiarism checker software and your paper would be forwarded for Step-3.
Step 2: Review process
The submitted research paper will be sent for double blinded peer review. Reviewers are usually scholars working in the same area with same specialization as the topic of the research paper. Based on the recommendation of reviewers editor will take decision and the decision will be communicated to the author. Decisions can be three types like accepted without revision, resubmit with major/minor revisions, rejected.
Review Process usually takes 5-15 days, depending upon the subject of paper and availability of reviewers.
Step 2: Payment
After the final review process if the paper will accepted we will send a payment request to the author. Author need to deposit publication fee within 15 days after the payment request.
Although we are supported by grant from some of our financing agencies, but this grant only cover our expenses partially. For publishing a research paper in any of our International Journal we charge a publication for the cost of managing the journal website and management team. Payment procedure will be notified to the author through e-mail after the successful review process. The author(s) needs to pay below mentioned charges excluding transaction charge as a publication fee for each accepted manuscript by the editorial board.
Forigine Country USD 150 and INR 2550 (India) [Included Publication charge, Digital Certificate, Life Time Archive].
Payment can be made through NEFT/RTGS/Online Transfer/ Cheque Deposit/ etc. or by Paypal.
Step 2: Publication Certificate
After receiving the payment, the paper would be immediately published online on our website and would be submitted to all the listing databases including Google Scholars.
We will issue a digitally signed Publication Certificate for all published papers to authors and a copy of published paper, and a permanent link for published paper.
We have very strong marketing team, thus all papers published on our website are immediately available on Google Scholar within 48 hrs.
Initial Submission - Open Round the Year
Online Publication - Within 5 Working Days*
ISSN online - 2319-6475
ISSN Print - 2319-6505
Submit Paper - journalijcar@gmail.com
Fee Payment -Within 10 Working Day of acceptance
Impact Factor : 2022: 6.012
Submit Your Research Paper for Publishing in our International Peer Reviewed Journals
We invite all research scholars to publish their quality research papers in our double blind peer reviewed International Journals for the next issue. Our journals are published monthly with open access policy for all the published papers. Authors across the globe are welcome to submit their research papers in the prestigious journal fulfilling the requisite criterion. From original research papers, survey papers, case studies and academic or scholarly articles to extended versions of previously published papers in conferences, scholarly journal or academic peer reviewed international journals, we welcome high quality work that focuses on research, development and application in the aforesaid areas.
Following is a long list of areas covered which is in fact much wider in scope than what you see. So, find out the details for the latest call for paper and start the online submission process! (the areas are not limited to the following):
And many many more fields…