Head circumference (HC) charts are very important as they are used for early detection of so many disorders such as megacephaly and microcephaly. In Egypt we have local charts published in 2008 (Head circumference data for Egyptian children and adolescents) in the form of percentiles. The percentiles method is routine method for assessment of growth in children but z score is more accurate method at the individual and population level. The world health organization has established HC charts available to be used all over the world but recent studies cast doubts whether these charts can be equally applicable in various populations or not. The aim of our study was to establish local reference ranges for HC in Egypt. In this study which combined a longitudinal component from birth to 12 months and a cross sectional component from 1-5 years. Measurements of HC were collected from healthy Egyptian children. The LMS parameters and Z score were calculated for Head circumference for age and then compared with these recommended by World Health Organization (WHO). A total of 27.537 of Egyptian children from birth to 5 years of both sexes were studied for L, M and S parameters and Z score for HC for age. In conclusion Egyptian HC reference ranges for children from birth to 5 years differ significantly from those provided by WHO and should be considered to be used for screening diseases related to HC in that population.