The aim of this study is to measure both water turbidity and Aluminum ion in drinking water in Rabak city compared to standard water turbidity (1-5NTU (Nephlometric Turbidity Unit)) and level of aluminum ions in drinking water reported by World Health Organization (WHO) 1993 Aluminum ion which is used for purification of drinking water was measured by using Atomic Absorption Spectral Photometer. The results revealed that there were high water turbidity in river White Nile and some blocks compared to Mezon soft drinking water. On the other hand the level of Aluminum ions in water treated by Alum in houses was higher than Mezon .compared with River water, in addition to that Aluminum ion used by the residents to purify water from turbidity was reached 3.3 mg/l. The results showed that led to a significant increase (P< 0.01) in both water turbidity and Aluminum ion concentration in houses.