In the present day scenario women are highly carrer oriented all over the world. This situation is also developed in India from past few years and spreading faster to the rural community also. Asprofessional education has achieved, it has opened doors for carrer options exponentially. Now-a-days it is well known fact that Indian women are delaying the marriages and child birth and as a result c-section birth rate has increased leading to complicated health issues. Gynecologists advice that child bearing age to be 22-28yrs which suites anatomically for the child development. This period has been increased to above 33yrs which is leading to many c-sections, leaving the mother and baby to suffer from various health problems. It’s an alarming situation that natural births are highly reduced and c-section births are increased. Unwanted c-section births are also increased, this can be overcome by water birth which is a natural birth process and new facet in Indian scenario. Water birth is a technique were women give birth to the baby in warm water. It is a well known fact that warm water provide relaxation.