Salinity is a chief abiotic stress which affects the produce of crops worldwide. Plants of economic and medicinal importance are at a high risk of being affected by salinity stress. It impairs the growth and development and the production of secondary metabolites in the plants. In this study we aimed to study the effect of increasing salt concentrations (0 mM, 50 mM, 100 mM and 150 mM) on the growth of the plant and also examine the effect of varying salt concentrations on different biochemical compounds (protein, proline, flavonoids and IAA) found in the plants. Explants were grown in MS medium, in vitro. Numerous assays were performed on the sample to analyse the consequences of increasing salt concentrations on the protein, proline, flavonoid and IAA content in the plant sample. It was evident that increase in salinity levels decreased the growth of the plant. An increase in proline content was detected and the protein, flavonoids and IAA content decreased with an increase in the salinity levels.