Despite the huge diversity of antibacterial compounds, bacterial resistance to first choice antibiotics has been drastically increasing. Moreover, the association between multi-resistant microorganisms and nosocomial infections highlight the problem, and the urgent need for solutions. Natural resources have been exploited in the last years and among them mushrooms could be an alternative as source of new antimicrobials. In present course of investigation the antibacterial potentiality of wild mushrooms collected from local region has been assessed against Gram-ve and Gram+ve pathogenic bacteria. Out of several collected wild mushrooms six was identified and antibacterial ability of the most frequent thee mushrooms - Gonoderma lucidum, Xerocomus chryentron and Termitomyces tyleranus were assessed against E. coli - ATCC10536 and Staphylococcus aureus - ATCC 25923. Ethanol, Methanol and Hot water extracts were employed in 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% concentration by measuring ZOI of inhibition employing well diffusion method. All three wild mushrooms exhibited growth inhibitory talent, however the highest potentiality was found in ethanol extracts of Xerocomus chryentron, nearer to the potential of standard commercial antibiotics; whereas Gonoderma lucidum showed slightly lesser while very less ability expressed by Termitomyces tyleranus. Findings of the present study suggest that Gonoderma lucidum, Xerocomus chryentron frequently found in central India, especially in Chhattisgarh and M.P. state, exhibited significant antimicrobial activity that may effectively be used for preparation of drugs and medicines.