Aim: And Objective: To asses the antioxidant activity of Coriandrumsativum extract.
Background: Coriander is an annual herb. All parts of the plant are edible and are non toxic to humans Leaves are particularly rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. Seeds generally have lower contents of vitamins, they do provide significant amounts of dietary fibre, calcium, selenium, iron, magnesium and manganese. The plant posses a broad spectrum of anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti microbial, anti spoilage and anti oxidant activity.
Method: Antioxidant activity of Coriandrumsativum was screened using DPPH and Hydrogen peroxide scavenging assays
Result: At a concentration of 100ug/ml both ethanolic extract and standard Ascorbic acid showed 86.89% and 98.20% antioxidant activity by DPPH radicals scavenging assay