Cotton is the main principal commercial crop of our economy. Cotton leftovers the most phenomenal fiber crop and is still nature’s wonder fiber. Cotton is grown all around the globe, and is traded internationally as well. The production is inclined by the repeated out breaks of pest and diseases and these are the major factors responsible for lower yield of cotton. A field trial was conducted at Main Cotton Research Station (MCRS), NAU, Surat in the year 2014 for a season to determine the influence of diverse diseases in respect to different varieties/ entries. During the season, entries/ varieties were evaluated for their reaction against the different diseases in cotton crop. Total thirty six varieties/ entries including checks were evaluated for their reaction against the bacterial blight disease. Out of these entries, GSHV 159 and GSHV 172 found disease free. Whereas, eleven entries viz., GSHH 2529, GSHH 2646, GTHH 193, G. Cot. Hy.8, GISV 272, GBHV 164, GBHV 180, G. Cot. 16, G. Cot. 20, G. Cot. 22 and GBHV 185 were found moderately resistant and G. Cot. Hy. 12 and G. Cot. 10 were moderately susceptible and rest of the entries was found resistant against the bacterial leaf blight disease.