To design foodstuffs containing the flour of manioc (ManihotEsculentaCrantz) and that of corn by incorporation with varied percentages of the flour of the caterpillars (ImbrasiaTruncata), to correct some natural imbalances of the proportions in nutrient; at end to obtain food more balanced in cookie factory and panification.
The bought caterpillars are dehydrated to 70 °C then incinerated with the drying oven with 550 °C. The dry matters of these caterpillars obtained were analyzed by using the methods of Kjeldal for proteins, and Folch for the lipids, and spectrophotometry of atomic absorption for the biogenic salts in ashes. The results obtained show important protein rates and respectively evaluated total lipids with 67,50 and 18,42%. They reveal moreover, the presence in considerable quantity of all the essential amino-acids of which the aromatic thréonine, tryptophan and amino-acids. Lipids, rich in polyinsaturés fatty-acids (linoleic acid C18: 2 ω 6 8,67% and acid α-linoleic C18: 3 ω 3 42,63%). Minerals like calcium salts (184 Mg); of phosphorus (621 Mg); of magnesium (383 Mg) or potassium (1533 Mg) in the same way were highlighted. The results obtained show that the caterpillars of Imbrasiatruncata are an important source in micronutriments likely to contribute to the satisfying development of the human organism, of which the energy value estimated at 1804,57 KJ for 100 G of dry matter. For this work, to incorporate in flour of manioc (ManihotEsculentaCrantz), soft variety, cultivar, with values like 5,30% ±1,8 out of protein; 39% ± 0,24 out of calcium (Ca); 270% ± 0,35 out of potassium (K); 0,4% ± 0,15 out of sodium (Na); 40% ± 1,7 out of magnesium (Mg). Without forgetting the water content (15,5% ± 1,8); the lipids (0,15% ± 0,22); ash content (50,66% ± 0,32); reducing sugar (1,92% ± 0,22) and its pH is of 6 ± 0,2. And with the flour of corn, the contents of proteins of the breads are homogeneous, being around 9,3 g/100 G, except for the rye bread (8,3 g/100 G) (it is the same for the flours, the contents being enters and 11 g/100 G and 12 g/100 G, a little less for the rye flour: 9,1 g/100 G). Indeed, according to (Simarre, 2008) Jean-Marie Bourre1, AlexandreBégat et al., 2008; some breads can assert the allegation for the vitamins B3 (PP niacine), or B6 (pyridoxin), or, B9 (folates). The other vitamins take part in food balance. Among minerals, is distinguished iron (20%); manganese is completely appreciable, since, all the breads are; phosphorus (34%); zinc (10%), potassium is present in notable quantities. Only the whole wheat bread is source of magnesium.
The union of the caterpillars in the form of powder to local food low in nutritive sources in order to exceed the cultural importances, allows the creation of the various food important source in micronutriments and could contribute in a significant way to the reduction of the hunger, the fight against the food insecurity and malnutrition protéino-energetics in Congo-Brazzaville and even in Africa.