Background: Mandibular fractures are considered to be one of the commonest maxillofacial injuries. Multidetector computed tomography, multiplanar reformatted and 3-Dimensional volume rendered images provide high capability in accurate evaluation of mandibular fractures, displacements and comminution.
Aim: To identify the role of multi-detector computed tomography, multiplanar reformatted and 3-Dimensional volume rendered images in evaluation of mandibular trauma and to define the frequency and locations of mandibular fractures.
Subjects and Methods: In this study, 32 patients with mandibular fractures were referred to the Emergency Unit of Kasr Alainy University Hospital. All patients were subjected to multidetector computed tomography in axial sections, multiplanar reformatted and 3-Dimensional volume rendering images.
Statistics: A prospective descriptive study. Results: Motor vehicle accidents were the commonest mode of trauma in mandibular fractures (59%). Over 90 % of cases were men. Patients with single mandibular fractures (62.5%) exceed cases with multiple fractures (37.5%). Mandibular body was the commonest site to be fractured in mandibular trauma 27.7%. 57.6% of mandibular fractures were comminuted fractures.
Conclusion: Multi-detector computed tomography with multiplanar reformatted and 3-Dimensional volume rendered images are mandatory for comprehensive perceptual assessment of unifocal and multifocal mandibular fractures.