Background: The fractures in the region of mental foramen pose a great challenge for the placement of 3D plates in order to avoid injury to the mental nerve and the dental root apices. Considering the varying anatomy of the mental foramen, course and anterior loop of the mental nerve and thickness of the buccal cortex in this region, the conventional 3D titanium plate was a modified for the preservation of the mental nerve.
Objective: To determine the efficacy of a modified 3D titanium plate for the fixation of mandibular fractures involving or in close proximity to; the mental foramen in order to prevent injury to the mental nerve and dental root apices.
Methodology: 16 patients with mandibular body fracture in close proximity to the mental foramen, reported to the department of Maxillofacial Surgery, were treated by open reduction and internal fixation using a modified 3D titanium plate. Post-operative evaluation of the subjects was carried out for occlusion, neuro-sensory disturbances, infection and plate stability with regular radiographic examination for 12 weeks.
Results: Majority of the patients were males (93.75%). Commonly observed etiology for fracture was road traffic accident. Occlusion and plate stability was satisfactory in 93.75 % of patients. One patient (6.25 %) showed infection and neuro-sensory disturbances at the end of 12 weeks postoperatively.
Conclusion: A modified 3D titanium plate was found to be effective in order to prevent injury to the mental nerve and dental root apices, in the fractures involving mental foramen region.