In this work laser Raman Spectroscopy was used to identify the unstable compounds in three iron oxides. These samples were irradiated using 5mW frequency doubled Nd-YAG laser with 532 nm at room temperature. Spectra database was used for the spectral analysis of the Raman shift of the three samples. The results obtained showed that the unstable compounds appeared in the spectra of the samples. Characteristic bands of hematite appeared in the spectra of goethite and akaganeite compounds while magnetite compounds appeared in the spectra of hematite. The laser power causes the bands to broaden and to undergo a small shift to lower wave numbers. Other materials are appeared in spectra of the three samples like disulfide, alkyl disulfide and aliphatic fluoro. Raman spectroscopy proved to be suitable method for the identification of unstable compounds in hematite, goethite and akaganeite and could be used for other materials.