Katishula (Low back ache) is one of the ‘vataja nanatmaja vikara’. Katishula is considered both as a symptom as well as a disease by various Acharyas and scattered references are available in Ayurveda literature. Diagnosis is achieved by application of roga pareeksha and rogi pareeksha. To arrive at a diagnosis of any disease specific symptoms are very essential. But when such symptoms are not marked or the symptoms appear in the feeble strength or do not appear at all - method of trial and error intervention becomes helpful to arrive at correct diagnosis. This is achieved through Upashayatmaka adhyayana. Hence present study was undertaken to explore the role of murchitha tila taila abhyanga as Upashaya of Katishula against gunas of vata. Vata is attributed with gunas like ruksha, laghu, sheetha, khara, sukshma and chala. Murchita tila taila possesses snigdha and ushna guna. 30 patients of Katishula underwent intervention with murchita tila taila abhyanga in and around katipradesha twice daily in empty stomach in the morning and evening for 3 days and were observed for relief in Katishula after this intervention. Relief in Katishula was observed and when results were subjected to Statistical analysis by applying Wilcoxan signed rank test and paired t test, statistically highly significant. Thus it can be inferred that murchitha tila taila possessing snigdhoshna guna has upashayatmaka effect on Katishula resulted due to rukha and sheeta guna of vata.