A 12 year old girl presented in our clinic with a varus deformity of the left elbow. There was history of injury around the left elbow at 9 years of age which was treated conservatively elsewhere. The girl reportedly had an uneventful recovery and there was rapid return of activity and function. However the girls parents started to notice a gradual onset of varus deformity over a period of 2 years. There were no symptoms according to the girl. We examined her and ordered routine X-rays which confirmed the reversal of the carrying angle and surprisingly, evidence of non- union of the lateral condyle. Cubitus varus is a malalignment of the distal humerus that results in a change of carrying angle from the physiologic valgus alignment 0f 5-15 degrees of the arm and forearm. Typically it is a complication of supracondylar fracture of the humerus with a freq impairment. The present case had an uncommon etiology and was treated surgically.