A prospective study of two years from July 2015 to July 2017 was undertaken todetermine the clinical features with radiological findings, cytological and histopathological spectrum of breast lesions with detailed study of uncommon cases. The objectives of the study were to estimate the frequency of benign and malignant breast lesions and to compare the results of study with those of other studies. Clinical features with radiological findings, Cytologicaland histopathological (in few cases wherever suspected malignancies) findings were studied. Out of the 140 cases, benign lesions constituted 90.71% and malignant 9.29%. The commonest benign tumor was fibroadenoma and the commonest malignancy was infiltrating ductal carcinoma (NOS). Uncommon cases were lactating adenoma, papilloma and duct ectasia and mucinous carcinoma of breast. Breast lesions can be of various types like inflammatory, benign and malignant lesions. Mostly benign lesions like fibroadenomas weremore common in young females while malignancies like infiltrating ductal carcinomas were more common in elderly age group. The study aim was to profile prevalence of various breast lesions and finding out age-related presentation of breast lesions. The study comprises analysis of 140 patients attending for FNA cytology at SGT medical college Budhera, Gurugram. Detailed clinicalhistory with ultrasonographic and mammographic findings were recorded and clinical examination was conducted. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was done and smears were stained by standard Giemsa technique and were reported. Suspicious cases of malignancies were confirmed by histopathology examination. Out of the 140 cases analysed, 127(90.71%) cases were benign, 13 (9.29) cases were malignant. Among the benign breast disease fibroadenoma was mostcommon accounting for 61of total cases followed by 26 fibrocystic disease, breast abscess 9, mastitis 11, fat necrosis 3, epithelial hyperplasia 8, atypical hyperplasia 4, duct ectasia 2, duct papilloma1, and lactating adenoma 2. Among malignant lesions, 11were ductal cell carcinoma, 1 lobular carcinoma and 1 mucinous carcinoma of breast. There were 2 cases of ductal cell carcinoma in the 28-35 year age group and other cases were seen in mostly elderly patients. Ultrasonography is 89 percent sensitive and 78 percent specific in detecting abnormalities in breast lesions. Ultrasonography can effectively distinguish solid masses from cysts. Ultrasonography of fibroadenomas shows lobulated, isoechoic or hypoechoic, solid nodule with homogenous echo texture. Changes like increase in color flow signals in Doppler study suggests epithelial hyperplasia, atypia or carcinoma in a fibroadenoma. Microcalcifications on mammographic studies indicates towards malignancies. Early diagnosis will help in better management of the case, reduces anxiety of the patient in benign cases and reduces morbidity and mortality in malignant ones.