Language and literature is the major medium for the manifestation and transmission of different cultures. This paper tries to find out the cultural variations in the writings of three eminent contemporary writers who are from the third world countries. Nissim Ezekiel, the famous South Asian writer from India, through his writings depicts the typical Indian culture. Gabriel Okara, the famous African writer from Nigeria, through his writings portrays the African culture with all its vitality and vigour. Derek Walcott, the famous Latin American writer from West Indies, also through his writings celebrates the splendour of Caribbean culture. Thus these writers have used language effectively to exhibit their respective cultures. In the words used, in the themes dealt, in the settings placed, in the style employed etc. we can see the cultural resonance. This paper also tries to show some similarities prevailing among the diversities of these writers. These similarities have coiled to become a unifying thread which binds the works of these writers together and makes them a literary triplet.