The aim of this study was to record medicinal use of native plants by the inhabitants of the study area. 65 plant species belonging to 62 genera and 33 families were documented having medicinal importance and are being used by the local people for treating their various diseases, such as diarrhoea, dysentery, gastric ulcer, intestinal worms, abdomen pain, fever, malaria, cough, bronchitis, asthma, headache, toothache, wounds and sores, skin diseases, snake bite and some other diseases. The most important medicinal plant families were Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Amranthaceae, Poaceae and Fabaceae. In majority cases, leaves of the medicinal plants were found leading in terms of their use followed by fruits, whole plant, roots, seeds, stem, rhizome, and flowers. For each species scientific name, local name, habit, family, ailments to be treated, mode of treatment and part, (s) used are provided.