Third-party authentication key protocols

Satheesh Kumar.N and Satyanarayana N

This work presents key sharing protocols to safeguard security in large networks, using in new directions in classical cryptography. Two third-party key sharing protocols, one with implicit user authentication and the other with explicit mutual authentication, are proposed to demonstrate the merits of the new combination, which include the following.
First, Security against such attacks as man-in-the-middle, eavesdropping and replay. Second, Efficiency is improved as the proposed protocols contain the fewest number of communication rounds among existing key sharing protocols. Third, Two parties can share and use a long-term secret (repeatedly). To prove the security of the proposed schemes, this work also presents a new primitive called the Unbiased-Chosen Basis (UCB) assumption. The securities we are trying to provide are

1. Username/Password authentication for admin
2. Per-user, feature-by-feature, and field-by-field access control
3. Granular administrative privileges

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