Objective: Describe the subjective norm and risky sexual behavior of adolescents in higher secondary education. Methodology: The research was quantitative and a non-experimental, typical descriptive and cross-sectional design was used. The study population was made up of a total of 90 students aged 15 to 19, from different semesters of a public institution of a higher middle level. The type of sampling was not probabilistic for convenience. The total sample was 77 adolescents aged 15 to 19 years of both sexes. Data were captured and processed through the Statiscal Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) statistical program and descriptive statistics were used as measures of central tendency, mean, median, mode, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, in addition to making tables of frequencies and percentages for the description of the data. Results: Regarding the subjective norm, of 77 adolescents 5 (6.5%) perceive that people important to them would approve of having sex in the next three months, 35 (41.6%) indicated that they would neither approve nor disapprove, 23 (29.9%) consider that would disapprove and only 17 (22.1%) that would disapprove a lot, As for the sexual partner, the majority 34 (44.2%) find that they would approve the conduct of having sexual relations and only 3 (3.9%) would disapprove a lot, about the mother, 27 (35.1%) consider that they would disapprove a lot, 28 (36.4%) that would disapprove and only 1 (1.3%) that would approve a lot, with respect to the father the most significant data is of much disapproval with 25 (27.8%), 42 (54.5%) of the subjects indicated that their friendships would neither approve nor disapprove the behavior, of same as their church or religious group 26 (33.8%),Conclusions: According to Ajzen and Fishbein, the subjective norm is the belief that an individual has in this case, the adolescent, about certain behavior in relation to the approving or disapproving opinions of their important persons, their sexual partner, their mother, their father, their friends and their religious group, On the other hand, a risky sexual behavior is a behavior that endangers the sexual health of the adolescent. This includes sexual activity without a condom, having more than one sexual partner, exposure to an unwanted pregnancy and starting sexual life before 18 years without protection.