In vitro Antimicrobial activity of two non-heterocystous Cyanobacterial strains i.e. Gloeocapsa punctata and Lyngbya majuscula was studied. Both Cyanobacterial strains were isolated from various sites of paddy fields of Warangal district, Telangana state, India, during, August, 2012. The crude extracts of both strains in three solvents i.e. Acetone, Methanol and Petroleum ether were screened against four pathogenic bacteria and four fungi. Crude extracts of each strain show differential antimicrobial response to test organisms. The petroleum ether extract of G. punctata showed the maximum antibacterial activity (16.00±0.57 mm) against B. cereus where as the extract in petroleum ether of L. majuscula showed highest antibacterial activity (16.33±0.66 mm) against P. vulgaris. The methanol extract of G. punctata showed the maximum antifungal activity of (15.66±0.33 mm) against A.fumigatus where as the acetone extract of L. majuscula showed antifungal activity (15.00±0.57 mm) against A.niger. The results clearly indicated that G. punctata and L. majuscula contain promising antimicrobial compounds. Therefore, further studies are necessary to elucidate the components responsible for antimicrobial activities against microorganisms.