Consumption of grass pea or Lathyrus sativus for any length of time is known to cause lathyrism, a serious osteo and neurological disorder due to presence of β-oxalyl amino alanine, an amino acid. The present study was under taken to study the effect of feeding Lathyrus sativus to one week old chicks. Significant difference recorded in body weight, physical movement and behaviour of chicks between control group and experimental group. Feeding 25% Lathyrus sativus mixed with 75% normal diet showed dizzy, dull and sluggish behaviour from the very second day. The chicks fed on 100% legumedullness, sluggishness, paralysis of legs, stiffness etc. was observed within 12 to 24 hours and the all chicks died within 24 hours. It was thus concluded that the increase in the concentration of Lathyrus sativus in feed increased the mortality and also the time taken for occurrence of symptoms was reduced. There was a direct inverse relationship between the concentration of Lathyrus sativus and survival period of the chicks.