Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a growing problem in our country and we have observed that many patients are associated with thyroid dysfunction later in their life. Hence, the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in diabetes mellitus patients should be evaluated. Aims and Objectives: Aim: To access thyroid dysfunctions in patients with diabetes mellitus Objectives: To evaluate spectrum of thyroid disorders in diabetic patients and To access altered thyroid function in patients with diabetes mellitus regarding age, sex, duration of diabetes, family history, regularity of treatment and BMI.
Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, data of 280 DM patients who attended the OPD Department of Medicine, SAMC & PGI-Indore over period of 9 month, and whose thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free T3, free T4 level were investigated, were included. The inclusion criteria were known cases of DM. Exclusion criteria were patients with previous history of hypothyroidism and those on drugs affecting the thyroid profile, chronic renal failure and Diabetic nephropathy, acute illness, hepatic dysfunction, psychiatric illness, Pregnancy.
Results: Out of 280 DM patients 158 were males and 122 were females, 195 (69.64%) were euthyroid, 37 (13.22%) had subclinical hypothyroidism, 23 (8.21%) had hypothyroidism, 14 (5%) had subclinical hyperthyroidism and 11 (3.9%) were hyperthyroidism cases. Female sex (P < 0.0091) and patient with irregular treatment (P < 0.001) were at increased risk of having hypothyroidism. Conclusion: Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was high in DM patients with female sex and patients with irregular treatment.