An emerging field is necessary to develop our backbone of village’s in India. They are artificial intelligence, Machine learning, internet of things and block chain and big data can take India to new height of development and improve the quality of life and social transformation of its citizens. . Many villagers these days are shifting to cities to seek better jobs and raise their standard of living. The Government take initiative to use availability of local resources in the village to improve better quality of the people. We know that village people have few needs in life. They are content with what is endowed by nature around them. So, they do not like to make any progress. Consequently, the village life has gone rusty. Evils of ignorance and blind faiths have crept in. Un-education and epidemics are rampant. Now, it is our duty to find out a remedy to this state of affairs. Mass education and public health are the primary conditions for the improvement of the village life. Thandalam is a small village, which comes under the Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu. Panchayat is perumpakkam, Acharapakkam union and Madhuranthagam thalluk. Totally there are 300 houses in the village. Total population of the village is male 876, female 826, children 384, elders 283 and disabled 3.