Insecta is the largest class of phylum arthropoda and members of this class are characterized by the presence of three pairs of legs; hence, called Hexapoda, Besides, these tracheate organism have usually one or two pairs of wings. Insects always have been associated with mankind in one way or the other as some of them are beneficial other are pests of crops and house hold articles. Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera- Pentatomidae-Scutellerinae) is a phytosuecivorous bug, which infests Cassia occidentalies, Croton sparisiflorum, Pennisetum typhoides, (Bajra) and Litchi chinensis at Saharanpur in good number and by its desapping habit causes considerable loss to these plants of economic value.
Male and female Chrysocoris stolli can be identified with their dimorphic characters presented in table (1) rostrum and antennae. Instars of Chrysocoris stolli can be identified with their dimorphic characters presented in table (2) rostrum and antennae. All figers and table attached in this result.