Sinusitis is an inflammatory disorder of the nasal sinuses. Yogic techniques have the potentiality to prevent and cure such conditions by relieving the inflammation and by increasing the resistance against the infection. Even though several studies on the effect of Yoga on Sinusitis have been done, no study was conducted with proper parameters for evaluation. The present study intends to show the improvement, by normal parameters with a special parameter, Infra Red Thermal Imaging System (IRTIS), which is a non-invasive method. The efficacy of the yoga therapy on Sinusitis was studied with 20 sinusitis patients of age group 19-53 years along with a control group. Yoga therapy was given for a period of 6 months including follow-up. The temperature variation recorded by the reading of IRTIS-200 was selected as the main parameter for the present study. Similarly the blood tests for ESR, Total W.B.C. count and Differential count were also considered as other parameters.
The result obtained has been analyzed by using student paired ‘t’ test. The experimental group has shown a highly significant change in the IRTIS reading in both right and left frontal sinus areas with t stat = 9.8856, p <0.001 and t stat =10.4401, p <0.001 respectively. This is also correlated by the significant improvement in the blood test readings. These statistical significant changes were not seen in control group. This shows that yoga therapy helped to relieve the inflammation in Sinusitis condition and improved the resistance of the body against the infection.