Background: Placenta serves as a direct link between mother and fetus. Normal growth of the fetus is mainly dependent on normal placental function, with normal structure.
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to prepare nomogram charts (baseline data) of placental volumes and estimated fetal weight for our population as well as to assess the correlation between these two parameters.
Methods: 200 cases were recruited for the study who came for routine antenatal checkup to Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Subjects with uncomplicated, singleton pregnancy belonging to third trimester ( > 26weeks) were included. Placental Volume was estimated using 2-D ultrasound technique and correlation coefficient was obtained with fetal weight.
Results: The mean±S.D. placental volume in third trimester of pregnancy was noted to be 439.27±282.4ml. A linear, non-significant relationship between placental volume and fetal weight was observed.
Conclusion: Placental volume estimation can be used as a predictor for fetal weight to identify the high risk cases.