The aim of the present study to investigate the psychological characteristic and psychopathology of the person suffering from sexual deviation and dysfunctions. For this purpose patients suffering from sexual deviation and dysfunction were taken as a sample 75 psychosexually deviation and 75 psychosexually dysfunctional patients and 75 psychosexually healthy subjects added for comparison normal group having no psychosexual complaints. All subjects were male. Four standardized test M.M.P.I. scale four Psychopathic deviate has been administered all the scales of MMMI are independent from each other. One way analysis of variance was computed to see the difference among three groups.
The result indicated psychosexually deviated group found significantly high on psychopathic deviation and they were found very high on subscale Familial Discord, Authority Problem and on all subscales of Psychopathic Deviate in comparison to dysfunctional subjects. Psychosexually dysfunctional group scored low of psychopathic personality symptomatology and almost equally in comparison to normal group.