Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin secretion, insulin action or both. In modern medical science, symptomatology of Madhumeha is equivalent to the features of Diabetes mellitus. It is causes because of disrupted carbohydrate and Fat metabolism. Sedentary life, faulty foods and lack of exercise precipitate the disease, various metabolic changes involved in the pathogenesis here genetically inheritance is one of the major etiological factor.
Though, the discovery of insulin and other hypoglycemic drugs has a great achievement of modern medical science, but the hazardous side effects of drugs after long term used are incurable and hence an ideal therapy is still obscure. Ayurveda can provide better cure for the disease not only to achieve a strict glycemic control but also to treat the root cause of the disease. The sequential administration of Shodhana therapy and certain Shaman yogas are quite beneficial. Ayurvedic medicines are cost effective, easily available and safe for long term use.