Telemedicine has emerged as new platform to serve healthcare services to people residing in remote and rural area of Punjab. It has various merits in its credit and proves to be more economical and time saving. Despite of fare list of merits of the telemedicine, it has not able to achieve expected level and remain unpopular among the masses. The present study is an attempt to analyze the patients’ perspective for telemedicine services, what they think about it and how they feel about its various services. The study aims to identify critical factors which may constitute to the success or failure of the telemedicine services in Punjab. A survey was conducted in Punjab where study covered several of telemedicine centres. The responses of 320 telemedicine Patients were recorded through questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed to access awareness level, attitude of patients and past experience with telemedicine services. The study identified those significant factors which need to be addressed in order to improve status of the telemedicine services. The patients’ perspective revels that telemedicine has gain faith among the masses and gradually people like to get treatment thorough telemedicine services.