Background: The incidence of acute pancreatitis varies in different part of world and depends upon etiological factors. Incidence of gallstone pancreatitis is more in north india and males are affected more than females. This present study was undertaken to examine the various factors involved in acute pancreatitis .
Methods: 100 patients were admitted esic hospital basaidarapurnew delhi. During the period march 2018 to march 2019. This study comprised of 76 males and 24 females. The youngest patient was 22 years old and the eldest patient was 65 years old. The average age for total study group was 39.5 years. Postoperative cases of acute pancreatitis were not included within this study.
Results: The mortality rate for acute pancreatitis was 12.0% Age, hypotension, tachycardia, fever, abdominal lump and abnormal lung findings correlated with increased morbidity and mortality. Leucocytosis was a common finding in patients with severe disease and was one of the most important parameters in prognosis. The other important abnormalities found are alteration in serum A.S.T. (SGOT) Amylase, Lipase L.D.H. L.D.H. in particular was found to be the most useful single marker of severe disease. High bilirubin was more pronounced in patients with gallstone etiology.
Conclusion: The proper management of severe acute pancreatitis required understanding of its natural history and lots of patience. Laboratory markers may be useful to better quantify the severity of disease in patients with acute pancreatitis.