Background: Medical Records Department (MRD) is a vital supportive service of any health care organization. Patient care requires a chronological record of care and treatment and this enables hospital administrator to evaluate the quality of medical record department services. Objective: To carry out Failure mode and effective analysis (FMEA) study of the processes of MRD at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Narayana superspeciality Hospital (SMVDN). Study Design: It is an applied Descriptive study. Methodology: The analysis was done using primary and secondary data during the period from 1 January to 31st July 2022. The tool used was the FMEA worksheet. The parameters in the worksheet were collected. The results of each step were recorded in the FMEA Worksheet. Results: In 5% of the files, MRD checklist was not present and in 95% of the files, the checklist was present. 83% of the files were without ICD Code and remaining 17% were with ICD Code. 80% of the files were without Medico Legal Stamps and 20% of the files were with stamps. About 62% of the death files were not stored in the locker and only 38% of the death files were stored in locker. 73% of the files reached on time within 24 hours while 27% of the files do not reach on time. Conclusion: FMEA can be used as a tool for continuous improvement of quality of products and services in the hospitals.