Background: Our study focused on finding an approximate prevalence of dyslipidemia in the target reference population of patients of chronic kidney disease and the association dyslipidemia with staging of chronic kidney diseaae and association dyslipidemia with haemodialysis
Methods: We did a a cross sectional descriptive study conducted on 155 patients admitted with a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in the department of medicine and dialysis unit of Rajendra Institute of medical sciences. Patients were diagmosed as chronic kidney disease with history and physical examination suggestive of chronic kidney disease along with biochemical evidence and radiological evidence of chronic kidney disease and patiens of diabetes mellitus, patients taking statin therapy for previously diagnosed dyslipidemia and patients having body mass index more than 24.9kg were however excluded.
Results: When comparing prevalence of dyslipidemia with haemodiaysis it was seen abnormal lipid profile was seen more in patients undergoining haemodialysis (77.7%) undergining haemodialysis as compared to conservative treatment group. It was also seen that dyslipidemia increased with increase in stage of chronic kidney disease- as 21.4% of patients of stage 2 had abnormal lipid profile as compared to 62.2% patients of stage 4 and 75.6% patients of stage 5 had abnormal lipid profile
Conclusion: We can conclude from our study that dyslipidemia in chronic kidney disease is high enough to pose a health problem as it increases the chances of cardiovascular disease and leads to increase mortality. The problem of dyslipidemia increases as the stage of chronic kidney disease increases and are seen more in patients of chronic kidney disease who are undergoining dialysis as compared to the conservative treatment group