Health Seeking behaviour is an important factor for maintaining health. This behaviour is influenced by the individual himself , the availability and accessibility of services. This can be a complex of outcome of various factors in elderly people.
Objectives: 1. To assess the health seeking behaviour among elderly 2. To identify the determinants of health seeking behavior Methods: Study design: It was a cross-sectional, community based study, done in an Anganwadi area of Budhwarpet- I of Kurnool city which consisted of 94 elderly population (above 60 years of age) Sample size: 80 participants Study period: October to November 2020. Sampling method: Simple random sampling. Inclusion criteria: Those who were willing to participate and gave informed consent. Exclusion Criteria: Who were not willing to participate and not able to give information. Study tool: A pre-tested, semi- structured questionnaire was used to collect the information. Data analysis: Done by using Excel 2016 and SPSS20.
Results: Out of 80 respondents, men were 50 (62.5%) and 30 were women (37.5%). Mean age of the participants was 63.73+ 4.83 years. Majority were Hindu (87.5%). Most of them were illiterate. (63. 8 %) Upper lower class constitute a maximum proportion (37.5%). Most of them (92%) had morbidities. Most Common morbidity was arthritis (46.25%) followed by diabetes (45 %) and hypertension (27.5%). Self - medication was found among 60%. Nearly one third (31.2%) had good practice regarding health seeking behaviour. There was a significant association between health seeking behavior and higher education, joint families and low socioeconomic Status. Preference for Government health care facility was associated with low Socioeconomic status. Conclusion: Health care seeking behaviour among elderly in the study was unsatisfactory. Special attention and support should be provided to elderly through planning health care services addressing all their needs.