Developing countries suffer major losses due to disasters. Reducing disaster losses is a fundamental goal for most governments. School teachers must be aware of disasters and its consequences to tackle the disasters at school. The objective of the study was to assess the extent of awareness about disasters and their management among school teachers. The hypothesis were: There will be an improvement in the level of knowledge of school teachers regarding disaster management after structured teaching programme and there will be a significant positive correlation with the mean pre-test & post- test knowledge level with selected demographic variables. Quantitative evaluative research approach, pre-experimental design was used in this study. Final result and conclusion of the study included that in the pre test the mean score of knowledge was 13 (±2.08) and in the Post test the mean score of knowledge was 16.6 (±1.81).The paired t’ test value was 7.37 which is greater than the Table value (1.684) at (p<0.05) level of significance. Hence the Structured Teaching Programme is more effective in changing the level of knowledge regarding disaster management.