Background: Nutritional condition is an important factor for optimum growth and it should neither be inadequate nor excessive, special micronutrients those we need in small amount. Improving nutrition and health enhance the learning ability of the children.1
Objectives: To assess the knowledge and effectiveness of planned teaching programmeon micronutrients deficiencies and its prevention among mother’s of under five children and to find out association between pretest knowledge score with demographic variables. Methods: The present study was conducted among 100 mothers of under five children, at four Anganwad is in Belgaum city, with one group pre-test and post-test, Pre-experimental design. The pre validated structured questionnaire were prepared on knowledge of micronutrients deficiency among mothers of under five children.
Findings: Among the participants the pertest knowledge scores/percentage were 24(24%) had poor knowledge, 49(49%) had average knowledge and 27(27%) had good knowledge. After the Planned teaching Programme the posttest scores percentage were 7(7%) had poor knowledge, 29(29%) had average knowledge, 64(64%) had good knowledge scores. Source of information and family type has significant association with micronutrient deficiency and its prevention.
Conclusion: The Planned Teaching Programme (PTP) was highly significant in enhancing the knowledge on micronutrient deficiencies and its prevention among the mothers of under-five children.