A study to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding expressed breast milk feeding among postnatal mothers of pre-term babies in selected hospital in delhi/ ncr

Garima Rohilla, Lavanya Nandan and Thongam Kapeelta Devi

Expressing breast milk refers to the process by which a woman expels milk from her breast. The breast milk can then be stored and fed to her baby at a later point in time. Milk may be expelled manually using the hands. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding expressed breast milk feeding among postnatal mothers of preterm babies in selected hospital in Delhi/ NCR”. Pre- experimental research design was adopted and Non- Probability Purposive sampling technique was used to collect 30 Postnatal mothers of Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi. 25 structured knowledge questionnaire and 20 items of observational practice checklist were used to assess their knowledge and practice. Data obtained were analysed and interpreted based on objectives using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Results shown that knowledge score of postnatal mothers of pre- term babies in pre- test were 10(34%) had average knowledge, 20(66%) had poor knowledge whereas in post- test 28(94%) had good knowledge, 2(6%) had average knowledge. The practice score of postnatal mothers of pre- term babies in pre- test were that none of them had good practice, 7(24%) had average practice, 23(76%) had poor practice whereas in post- test 29(96%) had good practice, 1(4%) had average practice. The knowledge score of t-value was 22.8 which was greater than table value (2.05) for df (9) at 0.05 level of significance. The practice score of t- value was 23.8 which was greater than table value (2.05) for df (9) at 0.05 level of significance. Thus planned teaching program was effective in improving the knowledge and practice of postnatal mothers of pre- term babies. The study concluded that 30 samples of postnatal mothers of pre- term babies were voluntarily maintain hygiene, expressed, store, feed their breast milk to their babies and to continue the same practice even after the discharge from Hospital which showed that they had improved knowledge and practice on expressed breast milk feeding through planned teaching program.

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