Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of Guided imagery on reduction of anxiety among first year B.sc nursing college students.Design:Pre experimental(one group pretest post test design). Methods: The sample consisted of 30 B.Sc (N) students fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected by means of purposive sampling technique. Pretest was administered using the test anxiety questionnaire. A 30 minute guided imagery program was provided to the students for once daily for one week.post test was conducted on the 7th day by using same questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of guided imagery. Data collected was analyzed and interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The study gives evidence support that the guided imagery was effective in reducing anxiety among college students. The mean post test anxiety score (30.9+9.61) was lower than the pre test anxiety score (49.6+14.106).The calculated t value t29=6.001, P=0.05 was greater than table value t29=2.05 at 0.05 level of significance. The calculated value indicates that guided imagery is effective in reducing anxiety.