Environment and its related issues have become a subject of global concern over the years. It becomes a serious concern for the scientists, the ecologists, the planners, the politicians, the educated intelligentsia, voluntary organizations and even common man. The unprecedented changes and losses occurred to the nature have made a painful appeal that unless each and every human being is aware of the severe destructions happened to our mother earth and develop right kind of attitudes towards the protection ofit, the very existence of humanbeing will be jeopardized very soon. As man is the integral part of both physical and biological world playing the key role in using the environment, he must possess and develop the proper environmental attitudes in his day to day life. Teachers have an impactful role in developing the proper attitudes among the students right from the primary level to the tertiary stage. They are expected to possess positive and satisfactory level of attitudes towards the environmental issues. The present paper is an attempt to measure the environmental attitudes of the secondary school teachers with the help of a standardized tool.