Old age consists of ages nearing or surpassing the average life span of human beings, and thus the end of the human life cycle. Getting old, could result in loneliness, pain, depression and suffering. Therefore, isn’t funny among aged people and this hub is an attempt to highlight the importance of planning for a future positively - whilst you are still young enough to learn from the pit falls that older people have experienced. One group pre test post test Quasi- experimental design was selected for the study. The participants were 60 late adults from Anugundanahalli, Bangalore. A Stratified simple random sampling technique was used to select the samples. A structured interview Schedule with a questionnaire was used to collect data from the subjects. In the pre-test the subjects had inadequate knowledge with a mean of 32.17 and standard deviation of 3.293 where as in post test there was a significant mean knowledge gain of 63.77 and standard deviation of 3.929. A significant association was found between education, occupation, monthly income and insurance with mean pre test knowledge score. In the pre test 91.7 % of the subjects had an inadequate knowledge where as in the post test almost all the subjects had improved their knowledge. The study findings indicate that structured teaching program was effective in enhancing the knowledge of late adults regarding rights of senior citizens.