Decision-making can also be regarded as a problem-solving activity terminated by a solution deemed to be satisfactory. It is, therefore, a reasoning or emotional process which can be rational or irrational and can be based on explicit assumptions or tacit assumptions. Rational choice theory encompasses the notion that people try to maximize benefits while minimizing costs. For achieving objectives of the present study, we have used descriptive survey method. In this study, all the Headmaster working in Govt. and Private Secondary Schools of Sirsa District were constituted the population .The sample of 100 Headmaster was selected from the Secondary school of Sirsa District. In this study decision making style scale was used on school Headmaster in which the decision making quality of school Headmasters were noted down.
It was analyzed that the routine decision taken in four dimension i.e. entrepreneurial problem, administrative problem, academic problem and personal problem was more affective in private school Headmaster as compared to Govt. School Headmaster. In case of compromise decision making style it was analyzed that the Govt. School Headmaster was having more affective compromise decision making style in four dimension i.e. entrepreneurial problem, administrative problem, academic problem and personal problem as compared to Private School Headmaster.
In case of heuristic decision making style of School Headmaster in four dimension i.e. entrepreneurial problem, administrative problem, academic problem and personal problem it was analyzed that the heuristic decision in private school Headmaster was more affective than Govt. school Headmaster.