Background: Despite the numerous methods available today for closure of surgical incisions i.e. simple continuous, interlocking continuous, horizontal/vertical mattress, staplers, cyanoacrylate glue, adhesive strips, laser welding, steri-strip etc.; no one technique is considered optimal. Each closure technique bring to the table its unique set of advantages and disadvantages. The objective of this study is to compare efficacy of cyanoacrylate glue versus vertical mattress sutures for percutaneous closure of pfannenstiel incision after lower segment cesarean section (LSCS) in terms of scarring, post-operative pain and analgesic requirement, surgical site infection, wound dehiscence etc.
Methods: This comparative study of efficacy of cyanoacrylate glue in operative wound closure of pfannenstiel incisions was carried out at Krishna Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Karad, India for a period of two years. The study consisted of 100 women, all undergoing elective lower segment caesarean section. They were divided into two groups. In group Apatients (n = 50) cyanoacrylate glue was used for wound closure and in group B patients (n = 50) the wound was closed with interrupted nylon sutures.
Conclusions: Maximum numbers of patients were seen in the age group of 21-30 years. Time taken in the closure of wound by cyanoacrylate in group A was considerably lesser than the time taken in the closure of wound by nylon suture in group B. Overall post-operative pain experienced by patient in group A was significantly lesser when compared to group B. Requirement of analgesics was lesser in group A. The incidence of surgical site infection was higher in group B as compared to group A. The incidence of wound dehiscence was not recorded in either groups