A study of clinical symptoms in patients of pelvic Inflammatory diseases

Uzma Eram and Najam Khalique2

Lower abdominal pain plus two or more symptoms and signs’’ or ‘‘lower abdominal pain, adnexal tenderness, and cervical motion tenderness’’ are widely recommended diagnostic criteria for PID, but are not supported by the evidence base .Subclinical PID is defined as the presence of endometritis in the absence of clinical signs and symptoms of PID. The aim of this study was to find the clinical symptoms in patients of PID. The present cross-sectional study was conducted in J.N. Medical College and Hospital (J.N.M.C.H.), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The study was carried out for a period of one year, from 1st August 2001 to 31st July 2002. The present study was carried out among ever married females in the reproductive age group of 15 to 49 years. Women, who gave positive history of PID, were asked to give their consent for the study. Their refusal was taken as exclusion criteria. Females with PID who were menstruating or who had taken antibiotic within the previous month were also excluded from the study. Lower abdominal pain, low backache and vaginal discharge was present in all the study population. Dyspareunia and menstrual irregularities were reported by less than 50%of study population. On per speculum examination, discharge was seen coming through os of cervix in 98.5% of cases, 52.5% cases showed cervical erosion, 41.1% of cases showed hypertrophy. On per vaginum examination, tender for nices and adnexa were present in 85.4% of cases. The abortion rate of more than 3 was found to be significantly higher in group III as compared to group I (Z=2,p<0.05). Safe delivery practice by skilled personal at the community level is strongly recommended to prevent PID. Teenagers and adolescents should be asked to delay sexual activity until 16 or older. As soon as PID is diagnosed it should be treated promptly after proper checkup and investigations.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijcar.2022.1532.0340
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