Aedes mosquitoes are the most dangerous species of mosquito which causes the deadly dengue fever in India and all over the world. The aim of this study was to find out the breeding preference ratio and identification of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Annamalai Nagar (Town panchayat), Chidambaram (Taluk), Cuddalore (District), Tamil Nadu, India. The number of positive containers found in two of our study area Tiruvetkalam, Kothankudi kuppam are 524 and 481 respectively. The breeding preference ratio was higher in the mud pot followed by cement tank in Tiruvetkalam, whereas Kothankudi kuppam shows cement tank followed by mud pot. In Tiruvetkalam, overall 1010 larvae were collected during the four seasons (January to December 2016) from 524 containers. Among them, 918 immatures were found to be Ae. aegypti and remaining 92 were Ae. albopictus. In Kothankudi kuppam, out of 1024 mosquito larvae collected the population of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus were 885 and 139, respectively. Moreover, the Ae, aegypti population was found to be higher in both study sites compared to Ae. albopictus. Additionally, the population of Aedes mosquitoes were higher in pre-monsoon season compared to other seasons. Thus, this study clearly showed that Ae. albopictus was mostly located in tyres, plastic materials and vessels, whereas Ae, aegypti were located in all the containers. From these results, it can be concluded that the study areas Kothankudi kuppam and Tiruvetkalam are prone to dengue outbreaks.