Introduction: “Infectious diseases will last as long as humanity itself” (Park, 2017). Infectious disease is a major public health issue for both developed and developing countries like Africa and India, both suffer significant population losses each year. Tuberculosis has been known to mankind since ancient times. Tuberculosis is a top infectious disease killer worldwide.
Objectives: The objectives of the study are to assess the TB patients’ knowledge regarding TB, to assess their compliance to the treatment and to examine the knowledge with selected demographic variables and compliance.
Methodology: Research design selected for the study for the present study was quantitative in nature and non-experimental descriptive study design.
Results: Results of the study reveals that out of 50 TB patients most of the patients 17(34%) are in 26-35 years, 11(22%) patients are in age group 16-25 years, 11(22%) are in 36-45years, 11(22%) are in 36-45years. Most of the patients i.e. 26(52%) are females and 24(48%) are males. 13(26%) patients are able to read and write, 13(26%) of them are having intermediate education, 10(20%) of them are having primary education, 8(16%) are having Graduation and above and 6(12%) of them are having secondary education. 14(28%) are employees, 12(24%) are unemployed, 8(16%) of them are students, 6(12%) are labourers and 4(8%) are doing business. The study found that from the 50 samples with TB patients none of them are having very poor and above average knowledge. Out of 50 TB patients 21(42%) patients have below average knowledge, 29(58%) patients have average knowledge. They are assumed of having poor compliance to the treatment. This implies that the patients with adequate knowledge can have good compliance.