Background of the study: Breast milk is considered as the best milk for a baby. Although breastfeeding is nearly universal in India, 96% of children under age five have ever been breastfed. In spite of many awareness programs, we still see many faulty breastfeeding techniques and hence there is a high necessity to identify the areas that need to be strengthened. Methodology: A descriptive survey approach was adopted to accomplish the objectives. A structured interview schedule was prepared in 3 sections. The data was collected from Kamrup (R), Assam using non-probability convenience sampling technique among 100 rural mothers based on the inclusion criteria. Result: Among 100 mothers, majority 64 (64%) had moderate knowledge, 76 (76%) mothers had moderate practice regarding breastfeeding techniques. Significant association was found only between educational qualification of mother with knowledge. No significant association was found between practice of rural mother regarding breastfeeding techniques with selected demographic variables. Significant positive correlation was found between knowledge and practice. Conclusion: From this study, it was concluded that majority of the mothers had moderately adequate knowledge and practice level. Primary caregivers need to implement strategies to educate rural mothers about breastfeeding techniques to enhance good breastfeeding practices thereby reducing infant mortality and morbidity.