Among non-communicable diseases, diabetes is recognized as the fastest growing chronic condition worldwide. The surge in prevalence of diabetes is higher in nations with middle and low income including Asia and Africa. There were about 108 million diabetic population in 1980 which was dramatically raised by four times in 2014 and reached 422 million. The direct cause of death by diabetes in 2016 was around 1.6 million. By 2030, as per the report of WHO, it will be considered 7th principal reason for mortality. In 2017, there were more than 72,946,400 cases of diabetes found in India. Around
8 – 9 people out of 100 are affected by diabetes in 20 – 70 years of age in India which is the matter of great concern. DM can be managed and its complications can be prevented or deferred. Seven
major areas has been identified by American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) to focus on self-management learning among diabetic patients. Self management learning among diabetic clients helps to improve their quality of life.