Aims: The aims of this study are as follows :(1) to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding school refusal in children and its management (2) To find out the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of mothers regarding school refusal in children and its management. (3) To find out the association between knowledge of mothers regarding school refusal in children and its management with their selected socio-demographic variables.
Materials and Methods: Study design: Pre experimental one group pretest post test design without control group. Target population: Mothers of children aged between 6 -14 years. Accessible population: Mothers of children aged between 6 -14 years attending Govt Primary School Bagalkot. Sample size: 100 mothers were selected by stratified random sampling technique. Data collection Instrument & technique: Pretest was conducted by self administered knowledge questionnaire and then structured teaching programme was administered, Later post test was conducted by using the same tool. Data analysis: Data was organized and analyzed by using descriptive statistics like mean median & frequency distribution. And in this study inferential statistics is also used like t Test and chi-square test to test the research hypothesis.
Results: After collection, the data are organized and analyzed with the help of mean median frequency distribution & percentage. The socio-demographic characteristics of mothers were as follows: 44% of mothers were in the age group of 31 - 35 years, 42% of mothers have completed high school education. 50% of mothers were house wives and 36% were having the family monthly Income of Rs 3001 – Rs 5000/-. 60% mothers belong to Hindu religion & 46% mothers were from nuclear family. Percentage wise distribution of mothers according to their knowledge level in pretest revealed that 62% mothers had poor knowledge, 22% were with very poor, 14% Average and only 2% with good knowledge. The calculated t value (34.93) was much higher than table‘t’ value (2.010) hence the Structured teaching programme was found to be effective. There was no significant association between knowledge and selected socio-demographic variables like mothers’ age, educational status, occupation, religion, family monthly income, and type of family, number of children in the family and sources of information.
Conclusion: After thorough analysis of the data, researcher concluded that mothers knowledge regarding school refusal and its management has to be improved in order to maintain the school attendance which in turn helps children for their academic achievement.