Palliative care is a health care specialty that is both a philosophy of care and an organized, highly structured system for delivering care to persons with life-threatening or debilitating illness from diagnosis till death and then into bereavement care for the family. Nurses play a significant role in the care of the dying, critically ill as well as the terminally ill clients. Anexperimental study, therefore, was undertaken to assess the knowledge of palliative care among staff nurses in a selected hospital, Chennai. The study sample consisted of 30 staff nurses who were working in various units and were selected using purposive sampling technique. In order to assess their knowledge a self-structured questionnaire andscoring system were developed to categorize the participants as whether they have adequate knowledge, moderately adequate knowledge or inadequate knowledge on palliative care. Pretest level of knowledge regarding palliative care was assessed and posttest knowledge also assessed followed by a structured teaching programme. Results revealed that in the pre-test majority of the staff nurses revealed inadequate knowledge (83%), remaining showed moderately adequate knowledge (17%). In the post test, 40% staff nurses revealed adequate knowledge, 40% staff nurses revealed moderately adequate knowledge, 20% staff nurses showed inadequate knowledge. There is a significant increase in the knowledge after structured teaching programme.